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Happy Friday | Hummingbird's Charm and Christmas Metallics

Happy Friday | Hummingbird's Charm and Christmas Metallics

On today's Happy Friday, We are so excited to announce that Bundle Club will ship Monday! If you aren't a member of this exclusive club, we encourage you to think about joining. Every quarter you will receive a beautifully curated bundle of fabrics that isn't available to the general public.

Today is National Daiquiri Day, so it is only fitting that Goody gives us a stellar strawberry banana daiquiri recipe! 

We are just about halfway through summer! To celebrate the lovely warmth and color that this season brings, we wanted to show you a bundle that really encapsulates summer. A Hummingbird's Charm is available to order now!

Even though the summer blazes on, it is never too early to think about the holidays. Do you have your gifts planned? With our 2024 Advent Project Boxes, you won't have to stress about what you will make for your loved ones. Each box contains four charming holiday gifts to create and giveaway ( or keep for yourself!) as well as fun notions and collectibles.  Available for pre-order now. 

Speaking of the holidays, Gudrun shared some incredibly vibrant bundles that are just begging to be made into your next holiday-themed project. Check out our Christmas Metallic Bundles in all of their color ways below!


Goody's Bundle Club

Stripology Quickies "A Look Inside" Zoom Lecture Services GE Designs

Stripology Quickies "A Look Inside" Zoom Lecture


 A Hummingbird's Charm Stash Builder Bundle


2024 Advent Project Box Fabrics GE Designs

Advent 2024 Project Boxes

We Love Christmas Metallic Green Stash Builder Bundle Fabrics StofWe Love Christmas Metallic Blue Stash Builder Bundle Fabrics Stof

We Love Christmas Metallic Red Stash Builder Bundle Fabrics Stof

We Love Christmas Metallic White & Gold Stash Builder Bundle Fabrics Stof

We Love Christmas Metallic White & Silver Stash Builder Bundle Fabrics Stof

We Love Christmas Metallic Stash Builder Bundles


