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Stella QAL Week #2 Sewing

Stella QAL Week #2 Sewing


From the activity in Gudrun's Quilt Crew it looks like everybody's getting a Stella for Christmas! "You get a Stella and you get a Stella and you get a Stella!" It is a rather addicting pattern isn't it? 

If you haven't started, here's a quick review. On Nov 27th I officially kicked off the Stella QAL. We talked about fabric selections and cutting our 10" squares. Refer to the Stella QAL Kick-off blog post of 11/28 to watch the video and catch up.

Week #2 Sewing 

In this step, we're going to sew the small dark triangles to the large white blocks and vice versa. It's pretty straight forward but I've got a few tips for you. Watch the video first and I'll recap after. 


 Easy right? things to remember:

  1. It's easier to see what you're doing if you put the smaller triangle on top. Putting the smaller triangle on top also means you can keep your eye on the little tip. No need to pin, your presser foot will keep the tiny tip in place.
  2. Align the bottom right corner of the small triangle to the corresponding corner of the larger block. You do not need to worry about overlapping any edges when seaming. We will square our blocks up next time. 
  3. Iron your blocks by first setting the seam. Open and use your finger to align while pressing. Feel free to use steam, if you follow my lead you'll not get any distortion. 

Your "homework" is to sew all your pieces together and get them pressed for Week #3 Trimming.

Want some extra credit? There 2 opportunities for you. I've got a STELLA QAL GIVEAWAY happening in Gudrun's Quilt Crew on Facebook and on Instagram. You may enter in both. We will be drawing winners December 11th, so post soon. 

  • Gudrun's Quilt Crew on Facebook ~ post a photo of your progress in the Comment sections of the STELLA GIVEAWAY POST. This post is at the top of the page and under Announcements. Only posts in the comments will be entered. 
  • Instagram ~ post a photo of your progress and tag your photo #stellaqal

I did a quick scroll through the comments and thought I'd share. Look at what Alyssa, Melanie and Claudia posted ~


Mark your calendars, the next Tipsy Tuesday is coming up on December 11th at 8PM CST on my GE Designs business page on Facebook and Stella QAL Week #3 Trimming will be in Gudrun's Quilt Crew during Facebook Friday, December 14th at 3PM CST.

Keep stripping'

